This inspiring ebook includes: More than 100 awesome ideas to develop early literacy through play. The ideas have been contributed by experienced and knowledgeable people who are passionate about supporting early literacy. Helpful and understandable information to support the learning journey for you and your child. This e-book is by […]
Learning letter M. M is for milk. We decided to do a simple color changing milk experiment. This is a fun chemistry experiment to watch and do for the little ones and even though they don’t understand the complete science behind it, it’s still fun to watch the colors mix. […]
Jellyfish salt painting. This was a fun art activity to do using glue, salt, and food colors🎨. It can be done with any picture/theme in mind, child name, 🌈 picture of a rainbow, or flowers💐. We drew a Jellyfish because we are learning the letter J and this was an […]
Letter J activity J for Jellybeans I drew shapes (other ideas can be a letter on one side and picture on another to match, for example a for 🍎, or upper and lower case letters B and b). Then I cut the jellybeans in half and let the little ones […]
Popsicle color match 🌈 using felt and Popsicle/craft sticks. Cut out the Popsicle shapes from felt and you can either use the glue gun or sew the edges to close. Then I got color Popsicle sticks to match the felt pieces. This activity is great for little ones to learn […]
Letter hunt with bingo markers. This is an easy revision activity that kids can do on their own, trying to find the letter given on the sheet. They learn letter recognition with this activity using dot-a-dot markers, which are a mess-free, non-toxic and easy to use by tiny hands. We […]
For letter H, we read The Little House🏠 by #virginialeeburton. For our #bookishplay we used craft sticks to make a house pattern, I drew out the pattern on the paper and then Sophie followed with craft sticks to make the house pattern.