While we are learning the letter L, we decided to add a sensory bin activity that goes in depth of what a lily pond environment is. This Easy water play activity for beautiful sunny days like today. We enjoyed playing and splashing water while learning about Lily pond environment. Materials […]
Jellyfish salt painting. This was a fun art activity to do using glue, salt, and food colors🎨. It can be done with any picture/theme in mind, child name, 🌈 picture of a rainbow, or flowers💐. We drew a Jellyfish because we are learning the letter J and this was an […]
Letter F activity. F is for fish. We decided to read Rainbow fish and do this activity to go along with our great book about a beautiful fish who finds friendship when he learns to share. For the activity, print and cut out shape of a fish. Provide color paper, […]
Beautiful springtime activity. Little ones can learn their name and practice spelling with this flower puzzle and learn about parts of a flower. Cut out the petals to use for the letters and the center of the flower as a guide and spelling for the name.
For letter H, we read The Little House🏠 by #virginialeeburton. For our #bookishplay we used craft sticks to make a house pattern, I drew out the pattern on the paper and then Sophie followed with craft sticks to make the house pattern.